Friday, February 14, 2014

How the Christian Right and Tea Party Make the GOP Unhinged
"It seems stupid, but if you think about it, what other choice do they have? As the McMorris Rodgers speech indicated, there’s a dearth of ideas outside of waging war on women in the current Republican Party. Right now, Republicans are primarily defined by what they’re against and they don’t seem to be for much of anything: Against minimum wage rises, against healthcare reform, against government interventions to improve the economy, against everything Obama does no matter what ( including taking pictures of his dog), against food stamps, against against against. They may occasionally make gestures toward the hint of an idea that they might want to replace the policies they’re against with some other policies, but no one really believes this. House Republicans spend more time passing pointless repeal bills of the ACA than they do passing bills that do anything at all."