Saturday, April 12, 2014

Paul Ryan Criticizes Your Work Ethic While Working 4 Days Before Taking an 18 Day Vacation
"Paul Ryan is the worst of them all because he has been a lifetime federal government “taker” and will spend a good part of his hiatus boasting to the filthy rich donors that his budget punishing “takers” passed the House earning him a well-deserved 18-day respite and millions in campaign donations. It is time to treat House Republicans the way they treat the American people and limit them to minimum wage, no overtime pay, no pension, no healthcare, no vacation time, and immediate termination for expecting more than one day off each week. Maybe then they will learn about the culture and value of work and realize the level of luxury they have working a third of the year earning bloated salaries, exorbitant pensions, and excellent benefits at taxpayer expense while doing absolutely nothing for anyone except their dark-money campaign donors the Koch brothers."