Friday, August 18, 2017

It’s Time to Tell the Truth: Conservatives Have Lost Their Damn Minds
"What were once fairly calm, productive debates over political differences have become battles between reality vs. whatever preposterous nonsense Donald Trump, Fox News, or the rest of the conservative media has told them is true. Indisputable facts have become a “matter of opinion” or “liberal lies.” When reality proves too much for conservatives to ignore, many on the right have turned to conspiracies based on utter nonsense, pushed by sociopaths and con artists making themselves very rich by regurgitating fear, hate, and paranoia. Trump’s ascent to the top of the GOP has fully exposed the true nature of today’s conservatives and the party they support. Time after time he’d say or do something that most people would say, “Okay, that’s going to be what turns conservatives against him” — but it never did. In fact, the more deplorable Trump became, the more his support seemed to grow. He belittled POWs, attacked Gold Star parents, and was caught on video bragging about being a sexual predator, but it never deterred the vast majority of his supporters. Even as Trump’s said and done things that we all know conservatives and members of his own party would be having an absolute meltdown over had a Democrat done them, still, they made excuses for him. That’s all Trump supporters really do is make excuses for him. When the KKK, white nationalists, and Nazis descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia in a “unite the right rally,” a gathering which infamous white supremacist David Duke said was “fulfilling promises of Donald Trump,” his defenders made excuses. Then when Trump made his short, vague statement where he didn’t, specifically, call out the KKK, white nationalists, or Nazis — instead choosing to insinuate that all “sides” were at fault — his supporters made excuses."