Sunday, January 31, 2016

Iowa City Concert and Sanders Rally (with Vampire Weekend and other special guests)

Cruz’s Desperate Last Minute Attempt To Win Iowa Is So Vile State Officials Just NAILED Him For It
"In the closing days before the Iowa caucus, the very first primary of the 2016 election, Ted Cruz is having a bit of a panic moment. Having enjoyed high polls in Iowa for months, his disastrous last debate performance and general unlikability have him falling fast. In his desperation to win, his campaign decided to try to lie and shame voters into showing up for him – and absolutely NOBODY is happy about it.  This week, Iowans began waking up to find a scary looking note in their mail. On yellow paper made to look like a ticket, the letter reads “VOTING VIOLATION” and creepily names the homeowner and their neighbors. The instructions are even more pathetic."

The Problem

Koch Brothers Bring their Billionaires Pals Together to Plot How to Corrupt the System Even More... If That is Possible @alternet

Koch Brothers Bring their Billionaires Pals Together to Plot How to Corrupt the System Even More... If That is Possible @alternet:

"Billionaire Republican backers host retreat with other super-rich conservatives as secret donations are forecast to break records in the 2016 election."

Saturday, January 30, 2016

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Comforts Sobbing Iowa Woman Struggling to Live on Minimum Wage @alternet

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Comforts Sobbing Iowa Woman Struggling to Live on Minimum Wage @alternet:

"At an Iowa event, Sanders asked audience members to speak out about what it was like to live on less than $12,000 a year."

Generational War: Baby Boomers Underestimate The Passion Of Young Voters

AIG says if the government won't let them screw over retirees, they won't play
"The latest massive offense the Obama administration has done to Wall Street is to come up with a rule telling financial services companies that their first duty is to their clients. That's such an offensive requirement, Republicans in Congress have even been trying to derail it. Because nothing should stand in the way of profits for Wall Street, including the nest eggs of senior citizens. To prove how awful the whole idea is, American International Group Inc. (AIG) decided they had to sell off, admitting that if they can't screw old people out of money, then why bother?"

Obama On Equal Pay & Lilly Ledbetter Act Anniversary

30 Years Of Bernie Sanders

Obama Just Made It Easier To Uncover Cases Of Pay Discrimination
"Friday marks seven years since President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law, the first bill he signed, aimed at helping women combat the gender wage gap by giving them more time to bring lawsuits. But in that time, the gender wage gap — which means that American women working full-time, year round make 79 percent of what men make, a gap that’s much larger for women of color — has only narrowed by two cents, not a statistically significant change. So to mark the anniversary, Obama will announce executive action on Friday to institute a new requirement that companies with 100 or more employees report what workers are paid broken down by gender, race, and ethnicity to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)."

With Wages Still Unequal, Obama Issues Mandate to Combat Pay Gap

With Wages Still Unequal, Obama Issues Mandate to Combat Pay Gap

"Despite laws on the books, the median woman in America working full-time throughout the year is still paid just 79 cents for every dollar earned by a man."

America | Bernie Sanders

Flint, Michigan and Democracy

Flint, Michigan and Democracy

"Michigan voters rejected the emergency manager system in a 2012 referendum. Yet it still emerged with dictatorial powers over the lives of people living in Detroit, Flint, Pontiac and Benton Harbor. The Republican governor and the legislature made an end run around the will of the people that was expressed so clearly at the ballot box. They simply ignored what the voters wanted and passed emergency management legislation anyway."

Corporations Will Pay A Fair Share | Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Vows to Crack Down on Greedy Corporate Tax Dodgers

Bernie Sanders Vows to Crack Down on Greedy Corporate Tax Dodgers

"Singling out what he dubs the "top 10 corporate tax dodgers," Bernie Sanders on Friday pledged to close loopholes that let huge corporations avoid paying their fair share in taxes.  The list (pdf) includes General Electric, Boeing, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Merck, and notes that several of the companies' CEOs, even as they sit on massive retirement savings, want to raise the eligibility age for—and make significant cuts to—social safety net programs like Medicare and Social Security."

Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founder Explains Why America Needs Bernie Sanders

The 5 Worst Fracking Moments of 2015 @alternet

The 5 Worst Fracking Moments of 2015 @alternet:

"Once again, in 2015 the oil and gas industry showed us the ludicrous lengths they will go to in order to frack more communities."

Can't Hide From Reality: Florida Mayors Request Climate Change Meeting With Senator Marco Rubio @alternet

Can't Hide From Reality: Florida Mayors Request Climate Change Meeting With Senator Marco Rubio @alternet:

"Fifteen South Florida mayors released a letter Tuesday that was sent to Senator Marco Rubio requesting a meeting with the presidential candidate to talk about the climate change risk facing the state’s communities."

Study: Most Large Herbivores Now Face Extinction @alternet

Study: Most Large Herbivores Now Face Extinction @alternet:

"These include well-known species such as elephants, hippos and all species of rhino."

Incredible Infographic Shows How We Have Ruined Our Oceans — and Ourselves as a Result @alternet

Incredible Infographic Shows How We Have Ruined Our Oceans — and Ourselves as a Result @alternet:

"From plastic trash and discarded fishing gear to oil spills and pesticide runoff, human beings have treated the oceans as a vast dumping ground."

New tests show lead in Flint water may exceed filter capacity

Tests Reveal A New Problem With Treating Flint’s Lead-Tainted Water
"Results of recently-tested water samples, released Friday out of Flint, Michigan, show levels of lead so high in some locations that government-issued filtration systems are unable to effectively treat the water. Water problems began in Flint as early as April 2014, when state-appointed emergency managers made the decision to switch the city’s water supply from Detroit’s system to the Flint River."

Flint residents billed for water they can't drink

State Rep. Praises KKK, Wants New Holiday To Honor Confederacy
"So far this year, State Rep. Tommy Benton (R) has co-sponsored two bills to preserve the Confederate’s legacy."

Too Late: GOP Congress Tries To Distance Itself From Planned Parenthood Videos?

Too Late: GOP Congress Tries To Distance Itself From Planned Parenthood Videos?

"investigations in 12 states were launched into allegations that Planned Parenthood executives had sold body parts, a felony under federal law. None of those investigations found any wrongdoing on the organization's part."

Will Trump drive Latinos to the polls?

Ted Cruz’s campaign chair furiously scrubs bio after newspaper questions his combat claims

Ted Cruz’s campaign chair furiously scrubs bio after newspaper questions his combat claims

"State Rep. Graham Hunt (R-Orting), who was elected in 2014 to the legislative seat to which he was appointed the year before, listed three medals on his official and campaign biographies that a military personnel center has no record of him receiving, reported The Seattle Times."

This Hitler-loving, gay-hating Oregon judge is so unethical that he might be a criminal, state panel finds

This Hitler-loving, gay-hating Oregon judge is so unethical that he might be a criminal, state panel finds

"Day also made national news after including a portrait of Hitler in a “Hall of Heroes” gallery he set up at the Marion County Courthouse."

'This Is It': Glenn Beck Heading Back To Iowa To Campaign For Cruz In An Effort To Stop Trump

'This Is It': Glenn Beck Heading Back To Iowa To Campaign For Cruz In An Effort To Stop Trump:

"warning that if Cruz cannot stop Trump in Iowa, Trump will steamroll to the GOP nomination and it'll spell the end of America."

Donald Trump is wrecking the conservative movement: How the billionaire is exposing its most toxic secret

Donald Trump is wrecking the conservative movement: How the billionaire is exposing its most toxic secret

"The mystery is why all these smart conservatives didn’t see this coming. They unleashed this beast a long time ago with the hate radio and the media propaganda and the ruthless politics. It was only a matter of time before it turned on them."

Even Without Trump, GOP Debate Manages To Sink Even Lower

As The GOP Crumbles Republicans Blame Sarah Palin For Their Demise
"Republicans must sell hate to people who don’t know they are being manipulated, or no one but the 2% will vote for them. This is why they picked Sarah Palin. So to blame Sarah Palin, whose hatred they used when it worked in their favor, is the height of hypocrisy.

Anne Frank’s Stepsister: Donald Trump Is The New Hitler
"He is openly supported by neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups, and uses his Twitter account to retweet and cirulate their ideas."

"The Guy Scares Me": Holocaust Survivors Warn About The Danger Of Trump's Right-Wing Media Approved Rhetoric
"On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Holocaust survivors warned about the demagoguery and rhetoric espoused by Donald Trump that they say echoes back to Nazi Germany -- the same rhetoric which has been sanctioned by right-wing media and praised by white nationalist media as "wonderful"."

Anne Frank's Stepsister: Trump 'Is Acting Like Hitler': Holocaust Survivors Warn of Historical Parallels @alternet

Anne Frank's Stepsister: Trump 'Is Acting Like Hitler': Holocaust Survivors Warn of Historical Parallels @alternet:

"The most direct answer to Munzer’s question can be found in the words of Trump’s followers themselves, who aren’t so much buying into hate as they are enthusiastically supporting the guy boosting the hate and racism they already feel."

Trump Fans Viciously Swarm Megyn Kelly

Since Donald Trump Began Attacking Megyn Kelly's Debate Role, Fox News Has Given Him Nearly $1 Million In Free Airtime
"Since Donald Trump began attacking Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly's participation in the network's January 28 GOP presidential primary debate, Fox has given him nearly 40 minutes of free airtime, amounting to about $1 million."

Republican insiders frantically try to pin the blame for the rise of Trump
"the blame lies with those in the party who encouraged more and more radical rhetoric from their leaders, priming the base for ever-more radical ideas and a hatred of the mere idea of government."

Republicans Are Destroying Each Other: Fox Blasts Trump For Being Afraid Of Megyn Kelly
"Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are desperate to get a Republican back in the White House. They view Trump as a loser who can’t win the White House. It has been clear for the last few months that Fox News has been throwing nothing but positive coverage at Marco Rubio. The bosses at Fox are pushing Rubio and would love to get rid of Trump."

Donald Trump exposes the Big Lie at Fox News: It’s hate and resentment the network’s shilling, not conservatism

Donald Trump exposes the Big Lie at Fox News: It’s hate and resentment the network’s shilling, not conservatism

"The crowning irony here is that both the GOP and Fox News have spent the past four decades laying the groundwork for Trump’s rise. They have sought to create an electorate that is ill informed and disenfranchised, angry and impotent, susceptible to propaganda, and disengaged from the practical effects and moral necessity of governance. They have reaped remarkable political and monetary rewards for the wealthiest Americans by urging the poor and middle class to vote based on indignation rather than their own interests. Trump is the logical byproduct of this sustained campaign: an isotopic nihilist who could care less about conservatism, who feeds off the adulation of the enraged, self-victimizing masses bred by the conservative movement. If the Tea Party was the beginning of this revolution — the ascent of overt and angry know-nothingism in the guise of conservatism—then Trump marks its apotheosis. He is the unyielding authoritarian redeemer that conservative dittoheads have been awaiting for years."

Trump Throws Temper Tantrum, Announces He's 'Most Likely' Not Doing Fox News Debate (Video)

Trump Throws Temper Tantrum, Announces He's 'Most Likely' Not Doing Fox News Debate (Video)

"Donald Trump isn’t an adult – he’s a spoiled infant. He’s an egotistical blowhard who lashes out whenever his ego gets bruised. History is going to look back on the 2016 election and hang its head at the fact that this blithering idiot managed to become a legitimate presidential candidate and very likely the nominee of one of our nation’s two largest political parties."

Trump event angers veterans

Top Veterans Group To Trump: Keep Your Money, Stop Exploiting Us For Political Gain
"If the Republican Party really valued our veterans, maybe they wouldn’t have cut $1.4 billion in veterans funds from the budget – and wouldn’t need to rely on handouts from opportunistic hypocrites like Donald Trump."

Republicans Should be Ashamed that Donald Trump is Exploiting Veterans to Mask His Cowardice

Republicans Should be Ashamed that Donald Trump is Exploiting Veterans to Mask His Cowardice

"Make no mistake about it, this event has nothing to do with helping veterans. If it did, he wouldn’t have scheduled it right at the start of the Republican presidential debate. This whole spectacle tonight is about nothing more than Donald Trump using veterans to try to protect himself from some criticism and to get attention from the media by using the brave men and women who’ve served this country as props for his own petty nonsense. And the truth is, the Republican party should be ashamed of this. If Trump wants to have these asinine spats with the media, that’s fine. That’s who he is and the voters can decide for themselves whether or not they want to elect someone who acts like a buffoon. But for him to continually bring veterans into these conflicts to try to protect himself is appalling. And it’s rather pathetic that more members of his party – and the media – aren’t calling him out for doing so. You have to be an absolute fool to not recognize what he’s doing and exactly why he’s doing it. It’s just a shame that the Republican party has apparently reached such an utterly pathetic and sad level of ethics that even when their leading presidential candidate purposely sets out to exploit veterans, all for the sake of protecting his bloated ego, almost no one within the party has the courage to stand up and call him out for doing so."

Veterans Send ‘Loser’ Trump A Brutal Message: Keep Your Donations (TWEETS)
"The veterans’ scorn is honestly well-deserved – a look into Trump’s past can easily prove that this is just a stunt for Trump and there’s no sincerity in his charity event."

The Donald Dilemma: Loves The Crowds, Hates The Presidency

The Donald Dilemma: Loves The Crowds, Hates The Presidency

"Adoration is great. Work? Not so much."

Dumb and Dumber: Trump, Palin and the Celebration of Stupidity in U.S. Politics @alternet

Dumb and Dumber: Trump, Palin and the Celebration of Stupidity in U.S. Politics @alternet:

"Every time we get GOP nonsense, someone calls it out. But so far, calling out the stupidity and laughing at it, isn’t hurting Trump or Palin. It doesn’t hurt because over time we have watched the GOP become dominated by the idea that truth, reason, and critical thinking are a liberal agenda designed to destroy our nation’s core values. Here’s the irony though. Intelligence is actually a core value of U.S. politics, or at least it used to be. Elvin Lim has found that over time our political rhetoric has relentlessly declined. In fact, he notes a nosedive in intelligence in public speech since the founding fathers. President George Washington’s “Farewell Address” in 1796 was written at graduate-degree levels: Grade 17.9, while President Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” in 1863 was at an 11th-grade level. Now we have Trump coming in at fourth grade. I’m guessing Palin doesn’t even rate that high. It seems that the only way to understand Trump and Palin is to Tase not only the part of the brain that understands sentence structure, but also the part that understands anything at all."

Friday, January 29, 2016

Donald Trump = No Friend Of Veterans

How Rick Snyder doomed Flint from the start: Tax cuts for the ultra-rich, poison for the poor

How Rick Snyder doomed Flint from the start: Tax cuts for the ultra-rich, poison for the poor

"Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder doesn’t want you to know which corporations are paying to salvage his reputation in the wake of the lead poisoning of Flint’s children under his watch. In fact, when he was asked about it at a press conference in Flint on Wednesday, he walked out. At issue are two dark money non-.profits, Moving Michigan Forward and Celebrating the Power of Michigan, that Snyder uses to accept corporate donations to fund various projects, including paying out-of-state P.R. firm Mercury to manage public relations related to Flint."

Thursday, January 28, 2016

California Gov. Jerry Brown Obliterates Republican Economic Propaganda with One Stat

California Gov. Jerry Brown Obliterates Republican Economic Propaganda with One Stat

"As we all know, essentially the entire Republican economic philosophy is based upon deregulation and tax cuts. It’s an interesting stance considering Republicans have finally admitted that over the last 40 years income inequality has become a major problem. Of course, those years just so happen to coincide with “trickle-down” economics, otherwise known as the promise that tax cuts for the rich will benefit all of us. Each and every time a Republican admits that income inequality has been a problem over the last 40 or so years, all they’re really doing is admitting that trickle-down economics has been an absolute failure. But the truth of the matter is, you really have to be naive or brainwashed to believe that cutting taxes for the rich will benefit the rest of us. Since the dawn of this failed economic philosophy all that’s happened is the rich have gotten richer, the middle class has fallen further and further behind and our national debt has ballooned to over $18 trillion and growing. The only ones who’ve benefited from this con have been the wealthy. Even with those facts being indisputable, to listen to Republicans talk about any sort of tax hikes or regulation you’d think it was going to lead to a complete collapse of our economy and the elimination of millions of jobs. That’s nonsense. In fact, California Governor Jerry Brown just obliterated Republican economic talking points during his state’s State of the State Address when he boasted about the fact that California has created two million new jobs since 2011 – despite fairly substantial tax hikes. Oh, and by the way, the state also has a huge budget surplus."

How The One Percent Reshaped Democracy In Their Image

Michigan Officials Quietly Gave Bottled Water To State Employees Months Before Flint Residents
"The Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget decided to haul water coolers into the Flint state building in January of 2015 out of concern over the city’s water quality, a year before bottled water was being made available to residents, according to documents obtained by Progress Michigan."

How Michigan's Emergency Management Law Poisoned Flint's Children @alternet

How Michigan's Emergency Management Law Poisoned Flint's Children @alternet:

"If Michiganders are looking for someone to blame for the travesty in Flint, they need look no further than Governor Rick Snyder and the emergency manager Snyder appointed who unilaterally made a decision that put thousands of children and adults at serious risk."

Rachel: Flint water crisis will be solved

Government Run Like a Business Poisons Kids @alternet

Government Run Like a Business Poisons Kids @alternet:

"The people of Michigan hired themselves a GOP businessman to be governor in 2011. And what they got was children poisoned by public water in Flint. That is, what they got was a government run based on GOP business values. To line the pockets of CEOs and shareholders, corporations cut corners in ways that frequently end up injuring workers and the public. Think of the Upper Big Branch mine disaster where safety violations killed 29 workers or the Takata airbag fatalities that occurred despite workers voicing safety concerns or the nine deaths and 714 illnesses caused by salmonella-contaminated peanut butter knowingly sold by Peanut Corporation of America. So, really, the lead poisoning of Flint children by a government based on Republican business values is no surprise."

Who's really at fault for Flint water crisis?

Michigan Rep. Troubled That Gov. Snyder Is Hiring PR Firms With Dark Money
"We keep seeing familiar patterns when it comes to GOP governance. That even when it costs more to outsource, they still choose to outsource and privatize. Private companies aren’t in the business of caring about people, and government needs to stop handing over precious resources and basic human rights, like clean water, to corporations in the name of Capitalism."

The impact of lead poisoning on Flint’s kids

Mayor: 'Our trust has been broken' in Flint

Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City’s Poison Water @alternet

Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City’s Poison Water @alternet:

"Not only is the Michigan government poisoning residents, but now they are threatening to take their children for not paying for it."

Matt Damon Slams Michigan Governor Over Flint Water Crisis: ‘At the Very Least He Should Resign! @alternet

Matt Damon Slams Michigan Governor Over Flint Water Crisis: ‘At the Very Least He Should Resign! @alternet:

"Matt Damon has joined the escalating outrage over Gov. Rick Snyder’s handling of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan and has called on embattled governor to step down from his post."

Challenges ahead in fixing Flint's water

'Join Us in a Revolt': Michael Moore Pens Open Letter on How to Help Victims of Flint Water Crisis @alternet

'Join Us in a Revolt': Michael Moore Pens Open Letter on How to Help Victims of Flint Water Crisis @alternet:

"Instead of sending bottled water—a short-term solution to a long-term problem—Moore lays out a five-step plan for those who want to help. The first step is to push for the arrest and removal of Michigan governor Rick Snyder."

Maddow examines damaged Flint pipes

Watch Michelle Obama And Conan O’Brien Entertain U.S. Troops In Qatar (VIDEO)
"Conan O’Brien and First Lady Michelle Obama teamed up in an hour long episode chronicling a trip they made to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar as part of the first lady’s Joining Forces initiative. With comedians Laurie Kilmartin, Brian Kiley, and John Mulaney, along with Grace Potter as his musical guest, O’Brien performed stand-up for troops stationed at the base."

Robert Gates: Republican Foreign Policy “Would Embarrass A Middle Schooler”
"He’s absolutely right, and beautifully sums up our current predicament with the Republican Party. One of these people will be nominated for the Presidency, but their policies are simplistic fantasies with absolutely no basis in reality."

Former Pentagon chief Robert Gates: Republicans’ grasp of national security is at a child’s level

Former Pentagon chief Robert Gates: Republicans’ grasp of national security is at a child’s level

"Robert Gates , a Republican stalwart and former US defence secretary who served under eight presidents, has derided the party’s election candidates for a grasp of national security issues that “would embarrass a middle schooler”. An ex-CIA director who first joined the White House under Richard Nixon, Gates joked that if frontrunner Donald Trump wins the presidency, he would emigrate to Canada."

Famous Charity for Veterans Accused of Inappropriate and Lavish Expenditures @alternet

Famous Charity for Veterans Accused of Inappropriate and Lavish Expenditures @alternet:

"A series of exposés released this week shed further light on an often-overlooked form of war profiteering: charity organizations that raise millions of dollars under the auspices of serving wounded military veterans, only to inappropriately spend those funds."

VoteVets chair: Trump 'really doesn't know our issues'

Native Americans Ask Federal Gov't To Protect Malheur Artifacts

Native Americans Ask Federal Gov't To Protect Malheur Artifacts

"In the wake of video showing the armed occupants of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon rifling through Native American artifacts stored at the facility, the Burns Paiute Tribe is asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to stop Ammon Bundy and his supporters from selling them on the black market."

3 More Arrests At Malheur Refuge After Ammon Bundy Calls For Militants To Leave

3 More Arrests At Malheur Refuge After Ammon Bundy Calls For Militants To Leave

"The FBI announced the arrests of three more militants at the Malheur Refuge Wednesday."

Eyewitnesses Knock Down Conspiracy Theories About LaVoy Finicum Dying With His Hands Up @alternet

Eyewitnesses Knock Down Conspiracy Theories About LaVoy Finicum Dying With His Hands Up @alternet:

"The Bundy militants and their supporters are trying to turn LaVoy Finicum into a right-wing martyr, but two eyewitnesses deny that he was shot and killed in cold blood by law enforcement officers."

Oregon Militia Standoff: One Dead After Ammon Bundy and Others Arrested @alternet

Oregon Militia Standoff: One Dead After Ammon Bundy and Others Arrested @alternet:

"FBI officials say they arrested the leader of the armed militia occupying the Malheur wildlife refuge and five others, and one person was killed during a shootout with federal agents."

How Hate, Extremism Were Baked Into The ‘Patriot’ Militia Pie
"White supremacists have proven to be an abiding influence on the ‘patriot’ movement."

How Bad Will Republican Hate Get In Obama’s Final Year?

Jeb Bush, Please Educate Yourself About Food Stamps
"Debates over poverty are important; they can affect millions of our less fortunate fellow citizens. But politicians who issue proposals in this area should make sure they have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the basic facts and research - especially on programs they propose to abolish."

Now in the Republican privatizing crosshairs: Air traffic control
"From schools to prisons to parking meters, the horror stories are hurting services, cutting jobs, and failing to deliver the cost savings the privatizers always promise."

Terrified Republicans Try One Final Time To Derail Trump’s Insane Campaign

Indiana's bet on the 'license to discriminate' law cost the state as much as $60 million
"Indiana may have lost as much as $60 million in hotel profits, tax revenue and other economic benefits when a dozen groups decided against hosting conventions in Indianapolis last year due at least in part to the controversy surrounding the state's religious objections law. A document prepared by the tourism group Visit Indy shows that the 12 out-of-state groups were surveyed and all said that the state's controversial law played a role in their decision to hold their events elsewhere. The document was obtained by The Associated Press ahead of its formal release Thursday."

The plot to stop Planned Parenthood

Trump Embraces Radical Anti-Catholic, Anti-Gay Pastor

Trump Embraces Radical Anti-Catholic, Anti-Gay Pastor:

"However, courting Jeffress' support didn't end well for the last Republican presidential candidate who tried it: Rick Perry. Perry, then the governor of Texas, drew flak for embracing Jeffress during his 2012 presidential campaign, particularly after Jeffress criticized Mitt Romney for his Mormon faith when he introduced Perry at the Values Voter Summit. Jeffress also declared that a Mormon president would cause God to judge America and that Mormons, Muslims, Jews and most Catholics are destined for hell. The megachurch pastor also claimed that Satan is behind Roman Catholicism."

Ted Cruz Welcomes Endorsement Of Mike Bickle, Who Believes Oprah Is A Forerunner To The Antichrist

Ted Cruz Welcomes Endorsement Of Mike Bickle, Who Believes Oprah Is A Forerunner To The Antichrist:

"Bickle is the founder of the International House of Prayer, a controversial missionary organization in Kansas City, Missouri, that some critics have labeled a cult and which is best known for engaging in nonstop 24-hour-a-day prayer in preparation for the End Times and for its anti-gay activism in Uganda. Bickle, unsurprisingly is a demon-fighting radical who believes that gay marriage is "rooted in the depths of hell," that homosexuality "opens the door to the demonic realm" and that Oprah Winfrey is a forerunner of the Antichrist Back in 2004, Bickle declared that as the End Times approach, all Jews will be given a chance to accept Jesus, warning that if they do not accept "the grace" of Christ, God will then "raise up a hunter" who will kill two-thirds of them "and the most famous hunter in recent history is a man named Adolf Hitler"."

GOP anti-sex lunacy: The Planned Parenthood indictments show how unmoored from reality Republicans have become

GOP anti-sex lunacy: The Planned Parenthood indictments show how unmoored from reality Republicans have become

"the grand jury exonerated Planned Parenthood, but then turned around and indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, two of the people that helped create the hoax videos that took this lurid right-wing urban legend out of the world of email forwards and into the mainstream media."

Planned Parenthood Cleared, Two Indicted Over Doctored Tapes

Breaking: Grand Jury Indicts Two Anti-Abortion Activists for Tampering with Videos

Breaking: Grand Jury Indicts Two Anti-Abortion Activists for Tampering with Videos

"the two individuals who made these false allegations against Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, have been indicted by the grand jury.

Planned Parenthood Strikes Back

Creators Of Fake Planned Parenthood Videos Indicted On Criminal Charges
"Planned Parenthood has not only been cleared by the two creators of the videos could be going to jail. It’s now time for a criminal investigation into the congressional Republicans who were involved in the conspiracy against Planned Parenthood."

Creators of Planned Parenthood videos indicted; Cecile...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What Do Unions Do for the Middle Class?
"Several studies show that the decline of unions has been a leading contributor to rising wage inequality, which is closely linked to the hollowing out of the middle class described above. Bruce Western of Harvard University and Jake Rosenfeld of the University of Washington have recently shown that up to one-third of the rise in male wage inequality between 1979 and 2010 is explained by the decline of union membership. Studies by David Card of the University of California, Berkeley, and Thomas Lemieux and W. Craig Riddell of the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia; John DiNardo of the University of Michigan, Nicole Fortin of the Vancouver School of Economics, and Lemieux; and Richard Freeman of Harvard University have reached similar conclusions."

President Obama On The Verge Of Issuing A “Citizens United Stunner”
"The President is in the midst of very serious plan to issue an executive order that requires companies doing business with the federal government to disclose their political contributions. Just think; with a stroke of his pen the President will make “dark money” donors receiving billions of taxpayer money reveal who they contribute to or lose out on those highly-profitable federal government contracts. Now, of course this does not, in any way, shape or form “overturn” Citizens United. But it is a major step in prompting some companies and corporations doing business with the federal government to rein in some of their dark money efforts to buy influence over the government."

Koch Brothers Really Want To Be Liked As They Destroy America
"Right! Other than supporting the John Birch Society while it smeared Martin Luther King, Jr., touting Holocaust denial in their magazine, funding the Tea Party movement into existence, spending a billion dollars on right wing electoral politics in this cycle alone, creating ‘libertarian’ organizations that fund authoritarian bigotry, their decades-long campaign of global warming denial, their efforts to privatize public lands and install their ideology on campus, not to mention their massive pollution of the air and water, what have poor Charles and his brother ever done to make anyone hate them?"

The Underhanded Way Corporations Steal From You

How the Obama economy overcame Republican sabotage
"As Barack Obama marks his seventh year in office, the resurgent American economy is posing a major problem for his Republican detractors. After years of denouncing the president's supposed "out of control spending," "job-crushing taxes," and "job-killing Obamacare," the pathetic GOP claim that Obama "made the economy worse" can't pass the laugh test. After all, the unemployment rate has been cut in half during his tenure as the private sector added jobs for a record 70 straight months. New jobless claims have dropped to their lowest level since 2007 while workers' ability to voluntarily switch jobs has increased. Even with its recent buffeting from China and the plummeting price of oil, the Dow Jones has doubled. All the while, the annual budget deficit has been slashed by two-thirds and inflation-adjusted federal spending has been lower than the day Barack Obama first took the oath of office."

People Can't Live on $12,000 a Year | Bernie Sanders

As Bernie Sanders Is Showing, This Country Is Much More Progressive Than You Think @alternet

As Bernie Sanders Is Showing, This Country Is Much More Progressive Than You Think @alternet:

"Despite the political division in Washington, the far-right rancor being spewed by G.O.P. candidates, and the contention in the Democratic race over Wall Street, campaign finance reform, universal health care, and how to handle ISIS, poll after poll shows that the people of this country strongly support progressive, liberal and democratic socialist ideas."

Bernie Sanders's Health Care Plan Will Save You THOUSANDS

Stephen Colbert makes Donald Rumsfeld squirm until he nearly admits Iraq war was a mistake

Stephen Colbert makes Donald Rumsfeld squirm until he nearly admits Iraq war was a mistake

"Stephen Colbert grilled Donald Rumsfeld over the decisions — and dishonesty — that pushed the United States into the disastrous war in Iraq."

Rumsfeld quietly shelved a 2002 report undermining Bush administration's claims about Iraq's WMDs
"But Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and others of that crew continue to roam free, doing book tours, pulling in the bucks from speaking engagements, working their sinecures at rightist think tanks, and offering their bloodstained advice about how American foreign policy should be conducted.  Anything they have to say ought to be coming from their prison cells."

Why Congress Allows Big Pharma to Rip Us Off

Chris Christie remains the Republican presidential race's biggest liar (the blizzard edition)
"Here's Republican candidate and still-sitting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie lying robustly about the damage this weekend's blizzard did to his state."

Gay Discrimination Bill Hampers Governor Pence's Reelection Bid

Gay Discrimination Bill Hampers Governor Pence's Reelection Bid

"Pence's discrimination did, however, hurt the state's business-friendly image, and money reigns supreme above all matters. The state was forced to hire outside PR to fix the anti-business friendly image now attached to Indiana, just two weeks after Pence signed the "Fix"."

The 1% Economy: The World's Richest 62 People Now Have as Much as Poorest 3.6 Billion

They’re still lying about Ronald Reagan: What Trump, Cruz and the GOP field won’t tell you about Reaganomics

They’re still lying about Ronald Reagan: What Trump, Cruz and the GOP field won’t tell you about Reaganomics

"After the Republican darling cut taxes in 1981, a budget deficit ballooned, and Reagan ended up signing “probably the largest peacetime tax increase in American history.” Ronald Reagan is quite the opposite of a boon for the low-tax, low-regulation argument: he was actually responsible for a historically large tax increase. The historical evidence is clear, and with economists actively warning against the Republican economic plans that “deny fiscal reality,” “benefit the wealthiest Americans” and “ensure that the top 1 percent comes out way ahead,” there is absolutely no reason for Americans to be caught in a debate over which Party has the better economic policy. The Republican laissez-faire, supply-side economic agenda doesn’t work.  Even though we know this, even though the truth is plain, America is caught, cycling itself through one grand, pointless economic loop. Thanks to the Republicans, this country looks an awful lot like it’s been transported back 95 years."

The Kochs' secret agenda not so secret anymore as even local media starts investigating
"This story is exactly why the Koch brothers worked so hard to keep their vast network of extreme anti-government organizations so secret. It's a local news story investigating the infiltration by the Kochs into the local university."

The Kochs & the Nazis: Book Reveals Billionaires' Father Built Key Oil Refinery for the Third Reich

Sarah Palin’s American lobotomy: The Republicans keep making us dumber, and not even Stephen Colbert can save us

Sarah Palin’s American lobotomy: The Republicans keep making us dumber, and not even Stephen Colbert can save us

"Here’s the irony though. Intelligence is actually a core value of U.S. politics, or at least it used to be. Elvin Lim has found that over time our political rhetoric has relentlessly declined. In fact, he notes a nosedive in intelligence in public speech since the founding fathers. President George Washington’s “Farewell Address” in 1796 was written at graduate-degree levels: Grade 17.9 , while President Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” in 1863 was at an 11th-grade level. Now we have Trump coming in at fourth grade. I’m guessing Palin doesn’t even rate that high."

US Marine Puts Sarah Palin In Her Place For Blaming PTSD To Excuse Son’s Violent Behavior
"Rather than acknowledge that her son broke the law and is responsible for his own actions, Palin chose to blame President Obama and PTSD instead, even though Track Palin never saw combat during his one year in Iraq. “It’s a shame that our military personnel even have to question, have to wonder if they’re respected anymore,” Palin said. Needless to say, Palin instantly pissed off veterans across the country, including former US Marine Chris Mark, who also happens to be a Republican. In an open letter posted on his blog, Mark ripped Palin to shreds for using PTSD as a political attack and for using it to excuse her son’s behavior. “I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior,” Mark said. After reminding Palin that her entire family was involved in a drunken brawl that should have served as sign that Track has a problem, he went after Palin for stigmatizing PTSD even more than it already is by th media. Calling her statements “foolish and ignorant,” Mark wrote that he would prefer Palin “avoid public life and simply fade away.” But since she refuses to go away, Mark suggested she educate herself and then use her status as a public figure to help veterans."

The GOP and the dumbing down of the U.S.: Conservatives need to accept that Trump, Palin and anti-intellectualism is their fault

The GOP and the dumbing down of the U.S.: Conservatives need to accept that Trump, Palin and anti-intellectualism is their fault

"It’s not that conservatives don’t read; it’s that they only read or listen to people like Mark Levin or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, who are conservative entrepreneurs profiting from the blinkered rage feeding Trump’s campaign. They don’t propound a serious or coherent worldview because they don’t have one; they’re entertainers chasing ratings."

Corrupt Florida Governor Has Blood On His Hands

Nevada's Right Wing Could Get Burned Trying to Shut Solar Power Down
"efforts by the Koch brothers-subsidized American Legislative Exchange Council to kneecap the growth of home solar installations."

Snyder Gets Served Some Very Bad News From Court: It’s Time To Answer For Flint
"Michigan Governor Rick Snyder stood before the state legislature and declared that the “buck stops” with him. He said that the people of Flint deserve the truth and that they will get it. Hew said he takes full responsibility and that the government had failed the people. Then he refused to resign, denying the people the basic satisfaction of seeing their grossly incompetent “leader” step down. The hope for some kind of satisfaction isn’t completely gone, however, as the lawyers in a class action suit filed for the people of Flint obtained subpoenas requiring the governor, his staffers, city managers and the Department of Environmental Quality to turn over all documents, records and emails pertaining the crisis in Flint. Lawyers are looking for anything dating back to 2011 referring to three specific items: The Flint River tapped for drinking water, the quality of the water in the river or the KWA pipeline, the main transfer route at the root of the problem. The bad news didn’t stop there for Governor Snyder. Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette announced that it was assigning the former head of the FBI’s Detroit field office to lead a criminal investigation. “What the citizens of Flint want, desire and deserve is what laws may have been broken,” said Schuette."

EPA cracks whip on Michigan, Snyder cagey on aid money for Flint

The Poisoning of Flint Was Not an Accident - It Was a Crime
"The story of Flint is the story of the United States, and it isn't pretty. Flint once boasted 80,000 General Motors employees, but thanks to outsourcing now only has a tenth of that. Unemployment is rampant. The river is disgusting after years of industrial pollution. Our national indifference toward our crumbling, sometimes century-old infrastructure left those pipes in the ground to deliver that lead to children thanks to the austerity policies of a right-wing governor and his national party."

DuPont’s Disgusting Legacy: Their Toxins Will Keep Poisoning For Generations

New House Bill Gives Away Public Lands, Creates Pseudo-Wilderness Areas
"Rep. Bishop has crafted a bill complete with loopholes, land seizures, and favors for his financial supporters in the fossil fuel sector."

Trump, Cruz and Rubio deny climate science, facts show 2015 is hottest year ever. Whom to believe?
"The point is this: It is almost certain that the Republican Party will nominate someone who rejects science, rejects facts, rejects truth. Given that we’re talking about a party whose economic philosophy rests on the fiction that tax cuts for the rich actually increase government revenue, we probably shouldn’t be too surprised. Either way, those of us who do believe that facts matter—that ensuring our grandkids and their grandkids have an inhabitable planet matters—had better be prepared to fight."

Science Denial Still Rampant While Global Temperatures Continue To Rise

Watch: Snyder Gets Called Out For Poisoning Water To Save Pennies While Wasting Billions On Tax Cuts For The Rich
"the Republican Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, is called out by a local news channel for his astonishing corporate tax cuts, which blew a tremendous hole in the budget and prompted Snyder’s appointed emergency manager of cash-strapped Flint to switch from the clean Detroit water system to the heavily polluted Flint River water, in an attempt to save some money which ended up poisoning a city of a hundred thousand souls."

How DuPont Recklessly Poisoned An Entire Valley

Denmark Just Broke A World Record For Wind Power — Again
"The record 42 percent electricity generated from wind represents a three percent increase from the 39 percent it generated in 2014"

We Just Lived In The Hottest Year On Record
"The NOAA and NASA findings are consistent with other key global surface temperature datasets. For instance, Berkeley Earth — originally funded in part by deniers like Charles Koch to disprove global warming — reported last week that “2015 was unambiguously the hottest year on record.” The blowout record warmth of 2015 erases the notion of a so-called pause in warming. NASA and Columbia University climatologists explain that “the updated global temperature record makes it clear that there was no global warming ‘hiatus’.” Similarly, Berkeley Earth’s Scientific Director Richard Muller, says 2015 “confirms our previous interpretation” that “global warming has not slowed"."

2015 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History

Charles Koch's decades-long plot to overthrow the government
"All of this was plotted out in the 1970s, and we've seen it all play out as the Kochs have built their political empire. The secretiveness, the insanely complex networks of programs to conceal how all the money is being spent, the astroturf, the fake philanthropy: All designed to allow Koch to act as puppeteer for the people he co-opts into being the public, political face of what he wants to be his own government. At the heart of all this is a profound contempt for the public, for democracy, and for all the rubes that have been tricked into this "movement"—which no doubt includes all the politicians they've bought."

Trump wants stuff manufactured in US, unless it's his own stuff
"There’s a reason we lost so much manufacturing to China and elsewhere—because of rich a**holes like Donald Trump."

What Sarah Palin Really Wants From Her Donald Trump Endorsement
"The Department of Energy mainly oversees the U.S. nuclear weapons program and conducts energy-related research. The current Energy Secretary, Ernest Moniz, is a nuclear physicist."

10 of the Most Ridiculously Absurd Things Sarah Palin Said During Her Trump Endorsement (Video)

10 of the Most Ridiculously Absurd Things Sarah Palin Said During Her Trump Endorsement (Video)

"And in true Palin fashion, her endorsement was an absolute train wreck; an incoherent word salad that often bordered on pure gibberish."

Nate Silver: Republicans Screwed If They Nominate Trump

Glenn Beck left disillusioned after Sarah Palin endorses Trump: “Maybe the press was right about her”

Glenn Beck left disillusioned after Sarah Palin endorses Trump: “Maybe the press was right about her”

"Beck is left completely disillusioned, forced to second guess his past support for the former half-term governor of Alaska and join with other conservatives in righteously mocking the pairing."

Fox’s Pirro Warns Nikki Haley To Be ‘Very, Very Careful’ And Support Donald Trump

Fox’s Pirro Warns Nikki Haley To Be ‘Very, Very Careful’ And Support Donald Trump

"So there you have it. A FOX News Channel host demands Republicans stop attacking Trump and support him because he’s the front runner and she says so."

Why Ted Cruz Winning the GOP Nomination Would Likely Destroy the Tea Party

Why Ted Cruz Winning the GOP Nomination Would Likely Destroy the Tea Party

"If you’re a Republican, there’s a harsh reality facing you this presidential election: The GOP has only won the popular vote just one time since 1988. While it’s true that our presidents are picked via the electoral college, the popular vote is still a fairly solid indicator of whether or not someone will win. When George W. Bush stole the 2000 election, he was the first person to become president who had lost the popular vote in well over a century. So, 2016 is a fairly big election for Republicans to sort of take an assessment of the overall health of their party. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve implored liberals to get out in record numbers this year to vote blue. I fully believe that we’re at a point with the GOP where the party is one more lost presidential election away from a complete implosion. It’s been building for years, we just need to make sure that a Democrat is elected this November to finally set in motion the full-on and complete self-destruction of the Republican party."

These 9 Current Members of Congress Voted Against Martin Luther King Day
"While most Republicans are quick to disown the racism of the likes of Donald Trump, one has to wonder why the Republican Party attracts the racists that support him and why it always seems to be on the wrong side of history when it comes to civil rights issues."

Is The GOP Really This Dumb?

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

"According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others"."

Dark Money: Ted Cruz Bought His Senate Seat With A Secret Loan From Goldman Sachs
"Cruz has previously accused Goldman of being the beneficiary of “crony capitalism,” and said they “they seek out and get special favors from government.” The loans obtained by Cruz were not disclosed on forms filed with the federal government."

BUSTED: Emails prove Carly Fiorina campaign has been illegally coordinating with super PAC

BUSTED: Emails prove Carly Fiorina campaign has been illegally coordinating with super PAC

"An investigation by the International Business Times has turned up evidence that the campaign of GOP candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has been illegally coordinating campaign stops with a super PAC supporting her — in direct conflict with FEC laws prohibiting such collaborations."

Ted Cruz's loan from Goldman Sachs was a bullish bet on the Obama economy
"the Goldman loan was a so-called “margin loan,” which was secured by Cruz’s brokerage account. Usually, notes reporter Mike McIntire, margin loans are used to purchase stocks, but they don’t have to be, and so Cruz used the proceeds to support his campaign."

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls for Action to Root Out Influence of Money in Politics

Sexism Runs Rampant Among GOP Contenders in the 2016 Presidential Race
"When GOP candidates cry out about the gender card, they are attempting to distract voters from their poor records."

Donald Trump’s supporters have one frightening personality trait in common — here’s what it is

Donald Trump’s supporters have one frightening personality trait in common — here’s what it is

"It’s authoritarianism, clear and simple. Americans with authoritarian personalities (and they are more prevalent than any of us would like them to be) tend to support Trump."

Trump Speaks At Fourth Grade Level; Still Smarter Than His Supporters

Tina Fey Reprises Epic Sarah Palin Impression to Skewer Donald Trump Endorsement @alternet

Tina Fey Reprises Epic Sarah Palin Impression to Skewer Donald Trump Endorsement @alternet:

"If you listen to Fey’s speech, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between her and the real thing unless you memorized the speech word for word."

Tina Fey reprises epic Sarah Palin impression to skewer Donald Trump endorsement

Tina Fey reprises epic Sarah Palin impression to skewer Donald Trump endorsement

"When Palin returned to the national stage this week to endorse Trump for President, no one was surprised. What took everyone back was Palin’s weird, incoherent robot ramblings that Palin substituted for a normal endorsement. If you listen to Fey’s speech, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between her and the real thing unless you memorized the speech word for word"

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Tina Fey Returns To SNL To Pan Palin's Trump Endorsement

Tina Fey Returns To SNL To Pan Palin's Trump Endorsement

"We all knew this was coming after Sarah Palin's long, rambling, spite-filled endorsement speech she gave Donald Trump earlier this week."

As Flint Struggles With Contaminated Water, Congress Tries To Gut Clean Water Rule
"The latest attempt to do away with a federal water rule that protects millions of miles of streams failed Thursday, as senators couldn’t garner enough votes to override a presidential veto and block the contested Waters of the United States rule. The attempt to veto the rule, which protects bodies of water that provide drinking water for one-third of Americans, comes in the midst of a water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan. The vote was deeply divided among partisan lines, with 52 senators voting to upheld the veto, eight abstaining and the remaining 40 voting against it. While the vote was close, overriding a veto requires a super-majority. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) filed for the vote, which was considered a long-shot from the start"

Sorry Conservatives, Obamacare Isn’t Killing Jobs; In Fact, The Private Sector Is SOARING
"As Forbes’ Dan Diamond noted last week, since Obamacare was signed into law in March 2010 (or “Armageddon” as conservatives call it) the private sector hasn’t lost any jobs."

Republicans Panic As Obama Set To Sign Executive Order Making Federal Contractors Disclose Campaign Contributions
"Federal contractors made a killing off of the Iraq War, when Dick Cheney and his cronies privatized half the jobs normally done by American military forces – at the outrageous cost of $189 billion to taxpayers. Now they’re scheming to send our troops back to the Middle East by funneling money to Republican politicians. Neither group will be happy to hear the President’s latest plan – but the American people will be ecstatic!"

Watch: Snyder Gets Called Out For Poisoning Water To Save Pennies While Wasting Billions On Tax Cuts For The Rich
"the Republican Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, is called out by a local news channel for his astonishing corporate tax cuts, which blew a tremendous hole in the budget and prompted Snyder’s appointed emergency manager of cash-strapped Flint to switch from the clean Detroit water system to the heavily polluted Flint River water, in an attempt to save some money which ended up poisoning a city of a hundred thousand souls."

Mississippi GOP: If You Don't Win It, Steal It!

Mississippi GOP: If You Don't Win It, Steal It!

"Incumbent Democrat Blaine Eaton ran against Republican Mark Tullos. It was a close race. So close, in fact, that the certified results yielded a tie -- each candidate had 4,589 votes. Under Mississippi law, a tie is broken by drawing straws. Yes, I know. It's a bizarre way to settle a tie, but there it is. Eaton drew the long straw, and that's where the story should have ended. But this is a Republican state, and it's governed by greedy Republicans. (As an aside, it's also one of the poorest states in the Union. Is there a correlation there?) They wanted their supermajority, and by God, they were going to get it. On Tuesday, the Republican majority tossed out five provisional ballots in an election where the counts had already been certified in order to award the seat to Mark Tullos and complete their supermajority."

6th Anniversary of the Citizens United Ruling

Militants Bulldoze Through Native American Archeological Site, Share Video Rifling Through Artifacts @alternet

Militants Bulldoze Through Native American Archeological Site, Share Video Rifling Through Artifacts @alternet:

"Armed militants at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge continue to damage both the delicate ecosystem of the refuge and archeological sites of critical importance to the Burns Paiute Tribe."

This Mormon pseudo-historian is why the Oregon militants are so confused about the Constitution

This Mormon pseudo-historian is why the Oregon militants are so confused about the Constitution

"The militants do read those pocket Constitutions, but they’re also reading fraudulent interpretations scribbled in the margins, so to speak, by a communist-hating conspiracy theorist promoted by Glenn Beck, reported the Los Angeles Times. Those annotations were written decades ago by W. Cleon Skousen, an ultra-conservative Mormon and former FBI agent who believed the Founding Fathers had established a Christian theocracy and never intended for the federal government to have any authority. Constitutional scholars, however, generally hold Skousen’s theories in churlish regard. The Pulitzer Prize-winning constitutional historian Jack Rakove, of Stanford University, said Skousen’s writings were “a joke that no self-respecting scholar would think is worth a warm pitcher of spit.” Skousen, who died in 2006, both inspired and drew inspiration from the John Birch Society — co-founded by the Koch brothers’ father — and his utopian philosophies helped spark the right-wing “Sagebrush Rebellion.” He found an even wider audience three years after his death, when Glenn Beck helped make his book, The 5,000 Year Leap, a best-seller by writing a forward for a new edition and promoting the alternate U.S. history on his CNN program at the time. Beck also folded Skousen’s teachings into his “912 Project,” which frequently overlaps with local Tea Party groups."

Trump Retweets Another Neo-Nazi

Donald Trump Self Destructs And Retweets Support From White Nationalist
"the corporate press has convinced themselves that Trump is their 2016 meal ticket, so they will turn a blind eye and look the other way while the Republican front runner embraces the support of a white nationalist."

Donald Trump Retweets Nazi-Sympathizing White Supremacist
"This is not the first time Trump’s twitter account has interacted positively with white nationalists."

Donald Trump just promoted a Nazi Twitter account that showed him gassing Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump just promoted a Nazi Twitter account that showed him gassing Bernie Sanders

"Long before Trump hit the campaign trail, his ex-wife, Ivana, told Vanity Fair in a 1990 interview that Trump kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches on his night stand by his bed."

Republican Governor Knowingly Poisoned City Of Flint Michigan

New Documents Reveal How Donald Trump’s Racist Dad Inspired Woody Guthrie’s Most Bitter Writings @alternet

New Documents Reveal How Donald Trump’s Racist Dad Inspired Woody Guthrie’s Most Bitter Writings @alternet

"For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing – both public and private – out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens"

Dark Money: How The Kochs Built The Conservative Movement

Dark Money: How The Kochs Built The Conservative Movement

"Jane Mayer has details, not only about the Kochs, but about the larger billionaire network who funds and promotes the "conservative movement"."

Surprise exit at Koch group raises questions

Friday, January 22, 2016

How Big An Idiot Is Rep. Justin Amash?

How Big An Idiot Is Rep. Justin Amash?

"These Ayn Rand wannabes are a blight on their constituents."

170 Prominent Economists Back Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Rein in Wall Street
"Financial experts, academics, and economists from across the nation are officially endorsing Bernie Sanders’ proposal to break up big banks and bring justice to Wall Street."

PERRspectives: Federal Spending Has Not Increased Under President Obama

PERRspectives: Federal Spending Has Not Increased Under President Obama

"It is an article of faith among Republicans that federal spending is "out of control" under President Obama. For the stenographers who seem to make up the bulk of the American media, the image of Obama the "tax and spend liberal" is taken for granted. Too bad it's not true. As the latest 10-year budget forecast from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) once again confirms, Uncle Sam has been spending less than the day Barack Obama first took the oath of office. In its latest assessment, CBO predicted fiscal year 2016 spending would rise to $3.91 trillion dollars. In FY 2017 which starts on October 1, spending during President Obama's final days in office will increase to $4.07 trillion. But taking inflation into account by using constant FY 2009 dollars (see OMB historical table 1.3) shows a different picture. At, $3.51 trillion, Inflation-adjusted FY 2016 spending will still be lower than on Barack Obama's first inauguration day. As I noted previously: On January 7, 2009, CNN reported on the latest long-term budget forecast from the CBO. Two weeks before President Bush ambled out of the Oval Office, CNN explained "the U.S. budget deficit in 2009 is projected to spike to a record $1.2 trillion, or 8.3% of gross domestic product." With the recession in full swing and the massive TARP program passed the previous fall, CBO predicted in January 2009 that federal spending would spike to $3.543 trillion dollars while tax revenue would plummet to an anemic to $2,357 trillion. As it turned out, the final deficit figure for the 2009 fiscal year which ended on September 30, 2009 reached $1.413 trillion because of worse-than-expected tax collections ($2,105 trillion.) If you're looking for a big spender, look no further than George W. Bush. As CBO explained, "the budget deficit for 2016 will increase after six years of decline." The culprit behind that jump from $439 billion in red ink for 2015 to $544 billion in 2016?"

Democratic Candidates Furious Over Flint Water Crisis

Why Organized Labor is More Important Than Ever In An Era of Vast Economic Inequality @alternet

Why Organized Labor is More Important Than Ever In An Era of Vast Economic Inequality @alternet:

"Where unions remain, wages and benefits are better."

The Connection Between Super PACS and Flint's Water Crisis

Republicans Tried To Kill The Clean Water Rule, But Obama’s Veto Pen Said ‘Hell No’
"On Tuesday, President Obama’s Veto Pen™ got some exercise when he dashed Republicans’ hopes of gutting clean water rules — a curious mission, given the fact that Republicans in Michigan literally murdered 10 people and poisoned hundreds of kids with the state’s disgusting water supply — water their Governor assured them was safe to drink. The resolution, introduced by hog-castrating waste of flesh Joni Ernst, had one goal: to block the EPA’s enforcement of the Clean Water Rule and to prevent similar measures from being taken to protect our nation’s water in the future. Fortunately, President Obama stepped up to kill the GOP’s dream of unregulated waterways teeming with dangerous bacteria and other nasty stuff."

Obama Drops The Hammer And Vetoes Republican Bill That Kills Clean Water Rules
"In 2016, the American people should not have to rely on their president to protect their access to water, but such is the state of the Republican Party."

Snyder e-mails missing key year in Flint toxic water disaster

Desperate MI Governor Tries Claiming Flint Poisoning Was ‘Natural Disaster’, Obama Slaps Him Down
"Doctors now warn that every child in Flint under the age of six – over 8,000 of them – must now be treated for lead poisoning. The long-term effects to their health and mental development won’t be known for some time. It’s gotten so bad that President Obama was forced to declare a federal emergency in Flint."

Martin Luther King Jr.: One of the Nation's Great Democratic Socialists

Martin Luther King Jr.: One of the Nation's Great Democratic Socialists

"Regardless of how Americans identify themselves ideologically, the majority embrace ideas that some might call socialist. For example, 74% think corporations have too much influence; 73% favor tougher regulation of Wall Street; 60% believe that "our economic system unfairly favors the wealthy;" 85% want an overhaul of our campaign finance system to reduce the influence of money in politics; 58% support breaking up big banks; 79% think the wealthy don't pay their fair share of taxes; 85% favor paid family leave; 80% of Democrats and half the public support single-payer Medicare for all; 75% of Americans (including 53% of Republicans) support an increase in the federal minimum wage to $12.50, while 63% favor a $15 minimum wage; well over 70% support workers' rights to unionize; and 92% want a society with far less income disparity. If these ideas seem "radical," it is worth remembering that many things that today we take for granted -- Social Security, the minimum wage, child labor laws, voting rights for women and African Americans, Medicare, and laws protecting consumers from unsafe products and protecting workers from unsafe workplaces -- were once considered radical, too. Ideas that were once espoused by socialists and seemed radical have become common sense."

Who’s Behind The SCOTUS Attacks On Unions?

Inside the New Book That's Giving the Koch Brothers a Heart Attack @alternet

Inside the New Book That's Giving the Koch Brothers a Heart Attack @alternet:

"Twenty years after collaborating with the Nazis, Fred Koch lost none of his taste for extremism. In 1958 he was one of the 11 original members of the John Birch Society, an organization which accused scores of prominent Americans, including President Dwight Eisenhower, of communist sympathies."

Bill May Force Congress To Wear Donor Logos Like Nascar

This is Donald Trump’s biggest fiction — and the engine of his insane rage machine

This is Donald Trump’s biggest fiction — and the engine of his insane rage machine

"let’s take a closer look at how real political correctness, in its original 1940s sense, functions on the right and within the GOP today, to enforce authoritarian order."

Republicans Are Still The Party of No New Ideas

Ronald Reagan made it all worse: How Republicans — the real party with their hands out — convinced white America that government was out to get them

Ronald Reagan made it all worse: How Republicans — the real party with their hands out — convinced white America that government was out to get them

"Anti-government diatribes from the prime beneficiaries of government programs? How the GOP lies to white America"

GOP Candidates Have Ruined Republican Brand: Poll

County Where Oregon Standoff Rages Is Most Government-Dependent In State
"government jobs at prisons, schools and the very wildlife refuge occupied by Bundy and his brigade form the life blood of a community"

The GOP’s Immigration Hoax

This is the religious right’s radical new plan: The very real efforts to create an American theocracy in plain sight

This is the religious right’s radical new plan: The very real efforts to create an American theocracy in plain sight

"The religious right can't win at the polls. But that will not stop them from pursuing this dangerous, scary path"

GOP must hope Latinos won't notice this key difference in English and Spanish SOTU rebuttals
"Does the Republican Party think Latinos aren’t going to notice that they’re getting different promises than the white people who Republicans currently rely on for votes?"

Oregon Militia Members Are The Real Welfare Queens

7 of the Worst Distortions and Outright Lies of the GOP Debate @alternet

7 of the Worst Distortions and Outright Lies of the GOP Debate @alternet:

"Thursday night Fox Business hosted another GOP debate where they teed up softballs and acted as though what was good for the stock market and the Fortune 500 was automatically good for the average American. Indeed, it's no surprise long-time Wall Street hack and debate moderator Maria Bartiromo would play right into the Republicans wheelhouse of low taxes and trickle-down ideas, but despite this friendly environment the Republican candidates still managed unleash to some serious whoppers."

Watch: Outraged Hunters, Fishermen Vow To Take Back Malheur (VIDEO)
"Unlike the Oregon terrorists, BHA members have not threatened to use their weapons to take back THEIR land from the YallQaeda terrorists. But they have made it abundantly clear that will not allow THEIR land to be stolen by these right wing extremists."

Threat of Trump 'buffoonery' debated in British Parliament

The Christian right vs. the founding fathers: How conservatives are skewering history to serve their theocratic ends

The Christian right vs. the founding fathers: How conservatives are skewering history to serve their theocratic ends

"None of this is exactly new. Back in the early 1980s, the Christian Right used the same arguments to try to preserve the right of religious schools to ban interracial dating and lost their cases before the Supreme Court. They lost those cases, but today, in an act of tremendous chutzpah, they have cynically appropriated the language of moral persuasion used successfully by the civil rights movement to advance essentially the same cause."

RNC Leader’s Backstage Rant Shows What The GOP Really Thinks Of Donald Trump (VIDEO)
"The religious right has pulled the entire party off it’s axis, and is speaking to an ever smaller, echo chamber of extreme conservatism. In doing so, they are doing the job of putting a Democrat in the White House in 2016 all by themselves."

Marco Rubio, conspiracy theorist: Now he’s targeting the wacko vote by pandering to the Jade Helm crowd

Marco Rubio, conspiracy theorist: Now he’s targeting the wacko vote by pandering to the Jade Helm crowd

"Poll numbers show that Republican voters are more interested in having their delusions validated than winning elections right now, and Rubio is adjusting accordingly."

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders

Don’t be fooled: 10 Republican red states that mooch off the rest of us includes Nikki Haley’s South Carolina

Don’t be fooled: 10 Republican red states that mooch off the rest of us includes Nikki Haley’s South Carolina

"Republican Gov. Nikki Haley once boasted, “I love that we are one of the least unionized states in the country.” But that is nothing to be proud of, especially in light of the fact that non-union workers tend to have lower wages and therefore, contribute less tax revenue. The Tax Foundation found that South Carolina was receiving $1.92 from the federal government for every federal tax dollar it was contributing. Haley doesn’t think much of liberals, but considering that Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, Minnesota and New York State—all of which Obama won in both 2008 and 2012—are giving more tax dollars to the federal government than they are receiving, she might want to reconsider and start thanking them for their help."

Bradley Foundation Behind Latest Attack On Unions, Public Education

Bradley Foundation Behind Latest Attack On Unions, Public Education

"In other words, if the court rules against the unions, it would legalize freeloading nationally and set up the country for a complete return to Right to Work."

Hitler Kickstarted The Koch Empire. Also Stalin.

What did Republican lawmakers hate about President Obama's State of the Union address?
"For those keeping score at home, here are just some of the issues that President Obama raised during Tuesday’s State of the Union address that Republican Senators and Congressmen in attendance refused to clap for, let alone get off their asses and cheer: Nearly 15 million new jobs and the unemployment rate being cut in half. Equality for all Americans. Cutting pollution levels. A good education for our children. Fighting terrorism. The idea that America is the strongest nation on earth. Avoiding war. Making it easier to vote. And—drumroll, please—saving the best for last … Curing cancer!  File this one under sh*t-you-can’t-make-up."

Historic: Obama Defeats Kochs As Solar Jobs Overtake Coal For The First Time Ever
"big dirty energy companies like Koch Industries have been pulling strings in statehouses across the country to overturn incentives for residents to switch to solar power. In Nevada, solar customers received a dramatic rate hike despite the fact that they actually give back more energy to the grid than they use after a public utilities commission panel voted to approve the increase; the panel was hand-selected by Republican governor Brian Sandoval, who allegedly has ties to NV Energy, the Berkshire-Hathaway corporation that is the main private utility in the state. In Arizona, APS, the main energy provider, was granted permission by state regulators to charge a flat fee on solar users simply because they were no longer plugging into APS’ dirty energy, and the state’s once thriving solar industry has been decimated since. In Oklahoma, the staunchly Republican state legislature abandoned its supposed conservative principle of lower taxes to impose a new levy on solar power; the move came after a lobbying blitz by the American Legislative Exchange Council, which is close to the Koch Brothers. The Koch Brothers and their companions in the dirty energy industry have pumped millions into often disingenuous campaigns to impede the growth of solar energy across the country, proving themselves once again willing to sacrifice the good of the American people to make a quick buck by continuing to poison our planet."

Obama's Final State Of The Union - Full Speech--Enhanced With Graphics

300,000 Low-Income Louisianians Gained Healthcare Today As Bobby Jindal Is Replaced By Democratic Governor
"He leaves his office with the second lowest approval rating in the nation – just behind Kansas’ Sam Brownback. He will be remembered for turning a $2 billion surplus into a $2 billion budget shortfall by giving billions in corporate handouts for jobs that never materialized. He will also be remembered for eviscerating the public school system. He replaced those schools with privatized charter schools, deepening racial segregation and allowing creationism to be taught in those taxpayer-funded schools; Mother Jones even discovered that kids were being told that the Ku Klux Klan did “community organizing.” He then abandoned his state to make a dead-on-arrival run for the presidency, running on a platform of anti-gay and anti-immigrant discrimination.

Texas Governor Unveils Plan To Repeal The 20th Century
"Abbott’s amendments are a hodgepodge of irrelevancies, curiosities and apparent efforts to return America to the golden years of the Hoover administration."

Low Voter Turnout Will Hand 2016 Election To The GOP

It’s no surprise that white nationalists have made Trump their guy: Seth Meyers does a “Closer Look” at his racist supporters

It’s no surprise that white nationalists have made Trump their guy: Seth Meyers does a “Closer Look” at his racist supporters

"White Nationalists are now urging voters in Iowa to support Donald Trump’s campaign"

White Nationalist PAC Blankets Iowa With Robocalls For Trump
"Some registered voters in Iowa received robocalls Saturday from a white nationalist super PAC that urged them to support Donald Trump in the 2016 election."

White nationalist robo-call: Vote Trump!

This is how they’ll gut American democracy: Scott Walker and the Kochs want to f**k America as bad as they did Wisconsin

This is how they’ll gut American democracy: Scott Walker and the Kochs want to f**k America as bad as they did Wisconsin

"a short note about what I mean by “Dixiefication.” It’s a complex process—economically, a regressive shift toward low-wage, deregulated oligopoly; culturally, an anti-modernist shift toward backwards-looking, fear-infused myth and fantasy obsession; politically, an authoritarian shift toward culture war, demonization, exclusion, and erosion of accountability. It’s been reflected in both states in a variety of ways—for example, both Michigan and Wisconsin have become so-called “right to work” states since 2010—a hallmark anti-labor measure pioneered in the South, which severely weakens both the bargaining power and political influence of unions. But what most clearly situated their Dixiefication in national politics was their key roles in the extreme anti-democratic gerrymandering that helped the GOP keep control of the House in 2012, despite losing the popular vote for House seats by more than half a million votes—which at the same time gave them a stranglehold on state government ever since."

Flaunting our ignorance: We’re looking at you, GOP candidates

Flaunting our ignorance: We’re looking at you, GOP candidates

"It's more than good ole American anti-intellectualism -- we celebrate our ignorance and wear it as a badge of pride"

They’ve destroyed us worldwide: Donald Trump, George W. Bush and the destruction of the American century

They’ve destroyed us worldwide: Donald Trump, George W. Bush and the destruction of the American century

"Conspiracy theorists, racists, anti-Semites, haters of Islam, and misogynists, these Americans are fueled by a combination of disorientation and resentment. The world has left them behind. They do not speak its languages and barely recognize their new surroundings. The familiarity of stereotypes and hate-filled slurs is their comfort."

It’s the Mormons and the Kochs: The secret roots of white, male Bundy rage

It’s the Mormons and the Kochs: The secret roots of white, male Bundy rage

"The goals of the Bundys and the Koch brothers coincide — it's all about acquiring public lands and exploiting them"

Stop the BiPartisan Dreaming!!