Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Protesters, White Nationalists and Armed Delegates: What Could Possibly Go Wrong at the GOP Convention? @alternet

Protesters, White Nationalists and Armed Delegates: What Could Possibly Go Wrong at the GOP Convention? @alternet:

"the truth is that the white supremacists making their presence felt, and the failure of GOP leaders to nip it in the bud decades ago, is a failure of moral cowardice. It is the natural end result of decades of Rush Limbaugh’s racist gibberish. It is the natural end result of the William F. Buckley and the National Review, no matter how much the old boy tried to gussy up his racism in high-flown language. It is the natural result of making a hero of Andrew Breitbart, whose namesake website is a snakepit of racist sludge… and not coincidentally, practically a public-relations outfit for the greatness that is Donald Trump. Trumpism is the natural fusion of decades of tolerating this racist rhetoric on the fringes until those fringes suddenly became the center of the party, combined with a candidate who not only is unafraid to repeat it, but seems genuinely clueless as to how toxic and degrading his words are. Republicans have done nothing about it, which has only served to normalize it. So now the entire party is going to wear this millstone around its neck for generations. The occasional party hack resigning his delegate slot in protest of nominating Trump is not going to counter that."