Monday, January 9, 2017

10 Trump Fails and Lies from Just This Week @alternet

10 Trump Fails and Lies from Just This Week @alternet:
"Every post-election week with Donald Trump feels like an eternity. The details change but the story stays the same: Trump whines, lies and pleads for attention, scrambling facts, fiction and conspiracy into a fatiguing, but now familiar blend. Last week followed the same formula, with Trump pretending not to know what he knows and to be an expert in everything he doesn’t know, all while waging petty wars using time that could be spent boning up on policy. He ended the week with an intelligence briefing (we’ve sunk so low, PEOTUS doing his job qualifies as news), but it did little to markedly shift the tone. And in that tone is the message, "We are so screwed." So we don’t forget, here’s a look back at just 10 of Trump’s most recent lies and fails."