Monday, January 9, 2017

5 Deranged Right-Wing Moments This Week From Trump on Down @alternet

5 Deranged Right-Wing Moments This Week From Trump on Down @alternet:
"The tweeter-in-chief managed to keep the attention largely focused on himself this week with inane, reality-defying statements about hacking, television ratings and being a really "big fan" of intelligence. If he wasn't so scary, he'd be ridiculous, but he is ridiculous as well as being really really scary. Those are the two realities we all need to hold simultaneously in our heads. And it hurts. Discussing fears about his temperament and impending control of the nuclear arsenal, Kayleigh McEnany told a stunned CNN panel , "There hasn't been a nuclear war yet." Is that supposed to make us feel better? Here are five instances of deranged thinking emanating from the right-wing Trump-o-verse this week."