Thursday, July 4, 2019

Attorney General William Barr dining at the Trump hotel is a bad look
"Attorney General William Barr was photographed dining at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, on Wednesday night — a business his boss, President Donald Trump, still owns and profits from, and one that has become something of a de facto clubhouse for businesspeople and government officials looking to curry favor with the president. Zach Everson, who reports on conflicts of interest stemming from the Trump International Hotel, tweeted that it was his “first time seeing Barr” at the hotel. Trump was also at the hotel for an event hosted by America First Action, the Super PAC supporting his reelection. CNN’s Jeremy Diamond reported that the plan was for Trump to address “high-dollar donors” who have contributed to his reelection effort. ABC’s Ali Dukakis snapped a photo of Barr dining at a restaurant in the hotel."