Thursday, July 11, 2013

PERRspectives: Rand Paul and the GOP's Confederacy of Dunces

PERRspectives: Rand Paul and the GOP's Confederacy of Dunces
"Republican 2016 White House hopeful Rand Paul is just the latest example. This week, Americans learned that the foe of the 1964 Civil Rights Act employs a neo-Confederate staffer who, among other things, praised the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. As it turns out, Paul's self-proclaimed "Southern Avenger" Jack Hunter has plenty of company when it comes to trafficking in casual racism and antebellum nostalgia. One hundred and fifty years after the Emancipation Proclamation, the whitewashing of slavery, the resurrection of the "Lost Cause," the championing of states' rights and the endorsement of nullification and secession are sadly all too common in the Party of Lincoln."