Friday, February 22, 2019

This Is Count After Count on a Bill of Impeachment
"The running of the rats is becoming a bit frenzied around Camp Runamuck these days. Roger Stone has put in a bid to overtake Paul Manafort in the in-house competition for Dumbest Thing Done While Under Indictment, something I didn't think was humanly possible. (Lying while under a plea agreement or appearing to threaten the federal judge overseeing your case while under indictment? You make the call.) And The New York Times was out on Tuesday with a massive report about the White House efforts to submarine Robert Mueller's investigation, a feat of reporting that is impossible to imagine without sources within the administration* who are desperate to have careers after the plague passes. Whatever the sources for the Times report, it's a series of explosive revelations that illustrate nothing more than a criminal presidency* knowing that all its alibis and cover stories are disintegrating."